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High-Quality 20kg Men’s Wonder Barbell Essentials Package


THE WORKHORSE FOR YOU It’s just a barbell… how special can it be? Well, it’s harder than you might think to create a bar that’s a JOY to lift on… yet can take the abuse of full commercial use year in, year out. The design spec on this bar was just that- create a barbell that can THRIVE in a commercial environment and be amazing in our hands (and on your back) from day one to day infinity- after all, your new wonder bar is lifetime warrantied! BE ONE WITH THE BAR When you’re lifting, and in your zone, grinding out that last rep, do you think about the barbell? Do you even feel the barbell? Or does the barbell become a seamless extension of your body and movement? If you haven’t had the pleasure of using such a well-crafted barbell, that’s going to make you feel like you’re gripping future forward cybersteel, then today your workouts have forever improved thanks to the best bar out there- the Fringe Sport Wonder Bar (and it’s a “wonder”ful bar!) THE 8TH WONDER OF THE BARBELL WORLD The Wonder Bar reigns as the nucleus of the barbell universe here at Fringe. We set out on a noble quest to design and build the best bar suited for commercial gyms, and make it available to you at a home gym price. We completed our hero’s journey and now offering our reward to you delights us. This versatile bar will serve almost everyone well. You can set world records on this bar, and use it for most training styles and lifts. If you’re a seasoned athlete or an affiliate owner, consider stepping up to the Bomba Bar (made in America) or even our Fringe Sport Weightlifting Barbell. STRONGER THAN A T-1000 The customer nicknamed “Black Magic” will slay the competition and be the wisest addition to your arsenal. Since the first version of the Wonder Bar was introduced, Fringe Sport blacksmiths have spent many years heating up, hammering out and perfecting a far superior model in their top-secret forge. “Best bar by far in its price range. Super functional and looks sharp too. Definitely satisfied with my decision to purchase this bar. The home gym is better off with the Wonder Bar in the rack.”Daniel P.28 FEB 2020 BUSHING VS BEARING Our 20kg Wonder Bar comes in a bronze bushing and needle bearing cartridges. Both bars are excellent for lifting and provide spin. Needle bearing cartridges in the collars provide a little more spin than a bushing barbell. Bearing barbells have smoother rotation and cost a little more than a bushing. Bushing barbells are common for heavy or slower lifts, such as powerlifting. Bearing barbells are common for faster lifts, such as Olympic lifts. Bushing barbells are easier to maintain than their needle bearing counterparts, easy to disassemble, clean and reassemble, making them more durable   WONDER BAR V2 SPECIFICATIONS Bushing rotation or bearing collar Killer all-black Zinc finish Tensile strength: 205,000 PSI Yield strength: 160,000 PSI Weight capacity: 1,600 lb Weight: 20kilograms / ~44 pounds Collars: Bushing (Yellow “W”) Bronze Oillite Bushing Rotation/oil impregnated or Bearing (Green “W”) 4 Needle Bearing Cartridges Per Collar Whip: Stiff Spin: Moderate (Bushing) or Fast (Bearing) Best Use: Garage Gym or WODing. Read below for Bushing vs. Bearing differences. Material: Alloy Steel, Black ZincPlated Length: 86 inches Sleeve Specs: 16 inches Length and 2″ diameter Shaft Specs: 28mm diameter Knurl: Dual Knurling- Double Ring IWF + IPF Knurling (No Center Knurl) Smooth knurl depth- neither a cheese grater nor too soft Warranty: Lifetime Warranty against manufacturer’s defects. Also available in a Women’s Wonder Bar 15kg. COMPARE OUR BARBELLS Bushing Wonder Bar V2 Bearing Wonder Bar V2 Bomba Bar V3 Fringe Sport Weightlifting Bar Fringe Sport Power Bar Fringe Sport Hybrid Bar BARBELL TYPE Bushing Bearing Bearing Bearing Bushing Bearing WEIGHT 20KG or 15KG 20KG or 15KG 20KG or 15KG 20KG or 15KG 20KG 20KG PSI 202,000 (160,000 – 15KG) 202,000 (160,000 – 15KG) 201,000 (160,000 – 15KG) 216,000 216,000 216,000 WHIP Stiff Stiff Moderate Whippy Stiff Moderate WARRANTY Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime Lifetime SHAFT DIAMETER 28mm (25mm – 15KG) 28mm (25mm – 15KG) 28mm (25mm – 15KG) 28mm (25mm – 15KG) 29mm 28.5mm KNURL Dual Dual Dual IWF + Center Knurl IPF + Center Knurl Dual + Center Knurl SPIN Moderate Fast Moderate Oly Moderate Fast BEST USE Garage Gym, WODing, Oly Garage Gym, WODing, Oly Garage Gym, Powerlifting, Oly Oly Powerlifting: Slow lifts – squat, deadlift, and bench. Built for experienced, strong lifters who combine Oly, Powerlifting, and WODing. AT YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE Not only do we stand behind our product, but we lift under them too. Whether that means using the Wonder bar daily at Fringe Sport headquarters (and trust us – our folks definitely use this best ever bar) or offering impeccable customer service. We strive to be your trusted workout partner and trainer. All our Wonder Bars are backed by our lifetime warranty against manufacturer’s defects. Oh, and another thing, we’ll let you in on. When you order the Wonder bar, you get free shipping. Period. We got you. Enough said.


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