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High-Quality V2 Immortal Wall Ball


We are super excited to launch our IMMORTAL wall ball.The idea for this medicine ball has been in my mind since the early days of Fringe. I noticed that every wallball on the market eventually went egg-shaped, or broke open at the seams.This leads to some weird situations.For example, I’ve even heard of some gyms assigning their clients burpees if a wall ball ever hits the ground.What. The. Heck?I knew we could do better.I just did not realize that it would take 5+ years. (UGH!)But here we are,  and we believe we have the best wall ball the world has ever seen.How good is this ball?Well, we drop test them for 10,000 drops from 10′ high.Can’t bust ’em.So then we drop tested them from 40′ high.Can’t bust ’em.So then we drop tested them from 150′ high.Can’t bust ’em.So then we got… crazy.I rented a plane, found an abandoned runway, and well, check it out:CAN’T BUST ‘EM.But don’t worry. They are soft and pliable enough to allow you to smile after taking a shot in the face.What about grip? Well, we engineered the shell with a grippy rubber. Here I am pouring dish soap on a 20# and repping out wallballs. (Don’t try this at home)So- they’re here, and ready to rock.The Immortal Wall Ball.Patent pending.Guaranteed for LIFE.They will never go out of round. They will never break. They will never fail in any way.And yes, you read that right. Lifetime guaranteed.Great for everything you use your wallballs for: Wall ball shots (duh) Squat depth check (easy) Partner tosses and exercises (piece of cake) Slam balls? (yep, but they’re a little bouncy) I’m sure you think they’re super expensive. I mean, there are companies out there making wallballs out of kevlar, and charging $150 or more (plus shipping!) for them. And those are not even lifetime guaranteed (cheap shot- we are the only ones offering this guarantee!)More great news- these cost the same or less than other wallballs on the market.That’s right!Waaaaaay Better.Same Price.(And a lifetime guarantee)But we are low on stock- we are just now spinning up production, and we’ll have limited availability for the next few months.So grab yours now.And never wreck another wallball again.Stand up to any use or abuseFor a lifetimeWithout getting lopsidedBUTBe flexible/soft enough that a wall ball shot to the face is embarrassing, not dangerous.Package Contents and Specifications Contents: 1 – Immortal Medicine Ball Material: Virgin Rubber Dimensions: 14 inch diameter Colors: Black with Color Coding by Weight. Warranty: Lifetime Watch Us Toss This Bad Boy From a PlaneFor further cruel and unusual punishment doled out to the Immortal Wall Ball, that makes crash test dummies cringe, please watch below.Patent PendingFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Where are the Immortal Wall Balls Made?    While these super cool and indestructible balls are designed in Austin, they are manufactured in China.


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